Dear Working Parent Couples,
What keeps you up at night? If you’re like most of us, it’s probably not that dewy fresh, romantic love of your early days together. Not that we don’t hope you still enjoy being together, but if you’re awake in the middle of the night, we bet you’re soothing children, fretting over work, and wondering how you’ll deal with the ever changing, ever challenging schedule. How can you make it all work? How can you share the work fairly? How can you find the time to give your children what they need? We’ve been there and done that. We have an idea for you.
The pre-nup is so yesterday. What you really need is an M.O.U., a memorandum of understanding of the work you share, inside and outside of your home, especially for your children. No lawyer required. Just write it down on a page or two and talk about it. It may seem romantic, but it is foundational to your partnership these days. It’s never too late to start.
Here you’ll find an MOU template to get you started. It won’t solve everything, but what it will do is help you appreciate each other, help you allocate your time better, and…after some discussion perhaps…resolve underlying resentment about who is doing what inside and outside of the home. We are not marital counselors, but we know that’s not good for you. Being modern parents, we also know that it’s very common.
So give an MOU a try. The conversation matters more than the document. Jobs change, children change, and we change, so it’s an ongoing conversation. We hope at least it helps you sleep…or maybe keeps you up empathizing with each other instead of worrying.
Please keep us posted on your progress. We hope you will stay in touch by contacting us here and following and commenting on our blog. We’d love to hear from you.
The Currency of Empathy® team