Dear Employee:
What keeps you up at night? Difficult bosses? Bitter coworkers? Are you one of the 70% of people who say they are “not engaged at work?” At least you’re not alone. But that’s cold comfort. We have something better to offer you.
Bind together. Change the system. Be entrepreneurs inside – intrapraneurs. Learn what the best organizations do, and advocate for those changes. Not because it’s nice, but because these changes will help your company engage people and innovate, improving your bottom line.
We are finding that the most innovative, engaging organizations are already showing us a better way to work. They fulfill basic human needs by getting 3 things right:
- Valuing whole people – not just units of production
- Providing shared meaning – beyond shareholder value
- Helping people grow – personally and professionally
It is simple, but it is not easy because the underlying solutions fly in the face of decades of advice and research about what leaders should be and how organizations should work.
Your company can measure and systematically increase the organizational Currency of Empathy® to accomplish your goals of innovation, employee engagement, leadership diversity, and bottom line performance. You can diagnose your organization by taking our survey. It will take ~30 minutes. As an intrapraneur, you will get ideas just by reading the questions. It is unlike any others you have used.
We would love to help your organization flourish so work can be fun again.
The Currency of Empathy® team