by Jackie Acho | Dec 6, 2014 | Empathy, Entrepreneurship, Fathers, Innovation with a conscience, Innovation with a soul, Intrapreneurship, Parenting, Women in Leadership, Work Family Balance
I had the pleasure and privilege of speaking at TEDx Cleveland State on 10/24/14. Thanks to all of the family, friends, colleagues, and clients who contributed to the content and provided steadfast encouragement…especially Eva Basilion. We hope you enjoy it,...
by Jackie Acho | Nov 15, 2014 | Animal cruelty, Empathy, Food, Technology
Stick a fork in me. I’m done. I’m done cooking animals for myself. There are 6 reasons. Here they are: It feels good to feel good. Consumption of animal protein increases risk of cancer as well as other diseases. Forks Over Knives and the China Study make this...
by Jackie Acho | Nov 10, 2014 | Creative disruption, Empathy, Parenting, Silicon Valley, Social media, Uncategorized, Women in Leadership
Facebook and Apple recently announced plans to pay for their female employees to freeze their eggs for non-medical reasons. It sounds so friendly to women, doesn’t it? – a triumph of technology over biology, relieving us from the pressure of child bearing...
by Jackie Acho | Jun 28, 2014 | Creative disruption, Disrupters, Entrepreneurship, Innovation with a conscience, Innovation with a soul, Intrapreneurship, Uncategorized
What is “innovation with soul” vs simply a disruption of the status quo? Do you know it when you see it? Does our society inspire, support, and exalt it as we should? Consider: The new MIT Technology Review: “Hacking the Soul.” In it,...
by Jackie Acho | May 14, 2014 | MOOC, Silicon Valley
What’s a MOOC? Massively open online course. What’s massive? 15,000 students. What’s open? citizens from 150 countries posing and debating questions about important topics like what we can do to have a flourishing economy. Professor Michael...