Gates Foundation Cuts Parental Leave in Half. Why? 6-Month-Olds Want to Know

You may be thinking a year of parental leave was crazy in the first place, and 6 months is incredibly generous. That would make you…American. Sadly, the struggle of leaving babies too soon is one thing most American adults have in common. Six-month old babies...

If Sheryl Sandberg was wrong, and “leaning in” isn’t the answer, what is?

As the New York Times reports, Facebook has not been the force for good it wanted to be. Leaning in (to the current system) is empty, according to the Washington Post. Sheryl Sandberg is “just another corporate warrior” rather than a feminist hero. So,...

A Good Day’s Work Requires Empathy – TEDx talk

I had the pleasure and privilege of speaking at TEDx Cleveland State on 10/24/14.  Thanks to all of the family, friends, colleagues, and clients who contributed to the content and provided steadfast encouragement…especially Eva Basilion.  We hope you enjoy it,...
An Antidote to Our Empathy Deficit Disorder


An Antidote to Our Empathy Deficit Disorder

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