by Jackie Acho, Ph.D. | Oct 15, 2020 | Cancer, Cancer Prevention, Empathy, Healing from Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Resilience
“My cancer marker is still going down, now with natural healing.”- Jackie (mom) “I expect nothing less.” – Sophie (daughter) If you told me a year ago that I’d be thrilled to watch my eyelashes grow back in, I would have been horrified. But it’s true. Such is the...
by Jackie Acho, Ph.D. | Jul 21, 2020 | #CurrencyOfEmpathy, #LifeOverCancer, Cancer, Empathy, Fear, Healing from Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Resilience
LeMay Family 2007 and 2020 “Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.” – Nelson Mandela Do you remember quotes? I usually don’t, but some version of that one has been on the tip of my tongue for decades. I’ve been afraid many times. Stepping...
by Jackie Acho | Apr 10, 2016 | Early childhood, Education, Empathy, Grit, Parenting, Resilience, Uncategorized
Did you catch Diane Rehm’s program on NPR last Thursday? Come spring, a group of schools in California will begin testing students on their social emotional skills. The debate among researchers and educators on the show was heated. What is the best way to assess...