by Jackie Acho | Nov 5, 2017 | Empathy, Uncategorized
“Do no harm.” – Hippocrates I wasn’t going to write again so soon, but it’s happening again…. We are being misled about the health of our children. From a person setting policy. From a pediatrician/professor/author who got published...
by Jackie Acho | Nov 15, 2014 | Animal cruelty, Empathy, Food, Technology
Stick a fork in me. I’m done. I’m done cooking animals for myself. There are 6 reasons. Here they are: It feels good to feel good. Consumption of animal protein increases risk of cancer as well as other diseases. Forks Over Knives and the China Study make this...
by Jackie Acho | Oct 20, 2012 | Uncategorized
Universal healthcare is a no brainer. People and society taking more responsibility for individual health (e.g., nutrition, exercise, sleep) is also a no brainer. In an election year, the sides – especially at the far right and left – try to divide and conquer, but...