by Jackie Acho | Oct 11, 2017 | #Sexy, Addiction, CEO, Not Sexy, Rape culture, Uncategorized, Violence
Memo to: Harvey Weinstein Subject: You are #NotSexy Dear Harvey, The times they are a changin’. It’s been a long time coming since you grew up in the 60’s and 70’s, but things are accelerating now. One day, you’re at the top of the heap. You have access to lots of...
by Jackie Acho | Jan 23, 2014 | Addiction, Empathy, Parenting, Social media, Technology
By Jennifer Lehner and Jackie Acho This digital bonanza is freaking us out. What kind of humans are we becoming when our faces are smashed into screens? Will technology make us a more or less empathetic society? Can computers feel love? The time for hand wringing...