by Jackie Acho | May 25, 2016 | Early childhood, Fathers, Motherhood, Mothers, Parental Leave, Parenting, Uncategorized
Mayor Trevor Elkins of Newburgh Heights, Ohio (a small suburb of Cleveland) inspired the most progressive parental leave policy in the country: six-months paid leave for all of the village’s full-time employees, women and men, biological parents and adoptive....
by Jackie Acho | Dec 22, 2015 | Empathy, Innovation with a soul, Leadership, Leading with a Conscience, Work Family Balance
A talk and panel discussion about empathy, business, innovation with soul, and social justice at the 2015 CWRU Social Justice Institute Think Tank. Many thanks to Founder and Director, Dr. Rhonda Williams, for including us in this thoughtful and...
by Jackie Acho | Feb 24, 2015 | Motherhood, Uncategorized, Women in Leadership, Work Family Balance
Yes, she did. Patricia Arquette talked about the motherhood gap at the Oscars: “To every woman who gave birth to every taxpayer and citizen of this nation, we have fought for everybody else’s equal rights. It is our time to have wage equality once and for all, and...
by Jackie Acho | Dec 6, 2014 | Empathy, Entrepreneurship, Fathers, Innovation with a conscience, Innovation with a soul, Intrapreneurship, Parenting, Women in Leadership, Work Family Balance
I had the pleasure and privilege of speaking at TEDx Cleveland State on 10/24/14. Thanks to all of the family, friends, colleagues, and clients who contributed to the content and provided steadfast encouragement…especially Eva Basilion. We hope you enjoy it,...
by Jackie Acho | Nov 10, 2014 | Creative disruption, Empathy, Parenting, Silicon Valley, Social media, Uncategorized, Women in Leadership
Facebook and Apple recently announced plans to pay for their female employees to freeze their eggs for non-medical reasons. It sounds so friendly to women, doesn’t it? – a triumph of technology over biology, relieving us from the pressure of child bearing...