by Jackie Acho | Dec 11, 2013 | Art, Changemaker, Creative disruption, Disrupters, Intrapreneurship
dis·rupt transitive verb \dis-ˈrəpt\ 1. To throw into confusion or disorder: Entrepreneurs make money, sometimes lots of it, as quickly as possible. Sometimes even for others. Intrapreneurs (entrepreneurs inside large organizations) make change, sometimes also money,...
by Jackie Acho | Nov 14, 2013 | CEO, Empathy, Intrapraneurship, Realizing Empathy, Teaching Empathy
Dear CEO of a Large Organization, We know you worry about cost. It’s your job and something you instill in everyone throughout your organization. It’s good and right that you do, because you can’t be financially sustainable otherwise. So, when we talk about...
by Jackie Acho | Mar 21, 2013 | Intrapraneurship, Parenting, Women in Leadership, Work Family Balance
Part I: What I Have Learned from My Children Part I is being published simultaneously by Whitney Johnson, author of Dare, Dream, Do. Click HERE to read Part I, then continue… *** Part II: Who are Our Leaders Now? Within current organizational constructs, is it...
by Jackie Acho | Feb 26, 2013 | Uncategorized
Image released by NBC shows Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer appearing on NBC News’ “Today” show, Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2013 in New York to introduce the website’s redesign. (AP Photo/NBC Peter Kramer/NBC/NBC NewsWire) Friends and colleagues, with a big...
by Jackie Acho | Nov 4, 2012 | Uncategorized
Harvard Business School Professor and author Clay Christiensen makes great sense in this article...