If Sheryl Sandberg was wrong, and “leaning in” isn’t the answer, what is?

As the New York Times reports, Facebook has not been the force for good it wanted to be. Leaning in (to the current system) is empty, according to the Washington Post. Sheryl Sandberg is "just another corporate warrior" rather than a feminist hero. So, what now?...

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MTHFRs, Wake Up!

"Do no harm." - Hippocrates I wasn't going to write again so soon, but it's happening again.... We are being misled about the health of our children. From a person setting policy. From a pediatrician/professor/author who got published in the New York Times today...

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Empathy Test

There is so much vis a vis empathy we could discuss in this campaign season.  We don't want to bore you with all of it and don't even like wading into politics.  But this past weekend, something fascinating happened, which has people talking about empathy by name and...

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An Antidote to Our Empathy Deficit Disorder


An Antidote to Our Empathy Deficit Disorder

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